Freelance holland partnernek

tolmi képe


Egyik megbízható holland barátom, aki egy egyemberes céget futtat Hollandiában egy ideje annyi munkával áll szemben hogy szeretne projekteket kiadni. Az együttműködés nem egyprojektes, hanem folyamatos. A kommunikáció nyelve angol lenne.

Ha érdeklődsz, kérlek dobj egy levelet ide és összekötlek benneteket: mark (AT)

chx képe

tolmi, azert Te aztan aztan jobban tudhatnad... megis mi a melo?

tolmi képe

chx, szeretném azt hinni hogy jobban tudom, de nem tudom mit :) Megkeresett egy holland barátom, megkérdezte hogy tudok-e segíteni találni Drupal freelancereket itthon mert sok a melója, gondoltam segítek és írok ide. Ennyi a történet. Gondolom a munka Drupal fejlesztés. :)

Ez nem konkrét projekt, ez az elkövetkező projektek alá kollegák keresése. Itt van a leírás amit küldött azoknak, akik jelentkeztek:

Here's the story:

1) what I'm looking for:

* Drupal developers (i.e. with PHP/Drupal module knowledge).
Theming/other work might come later, but not at this moment. Obviously
you also need 'Drupal site building' skills.

* Able to make their own time/cost estimates.

* Able to 'manage' their own project. Say it if things are unclear in
the client's demands. Watch out for things that are not clear, which
could lead to disagreements about work/money later.
(I get freelance work from smaller organisations, tasks/projects ranging
from €100 to €10,000. These people are usually not good project
managers, and do not know enough about Drupal to tell you exactly what
you need to know, at once.)

* ubercart / D7+Commerce experience is a big plus.

* experience with data exchange (generating/importing XML feeds,
communicating with web services from Drupal over e.g. SOAP) is welcome.

* Willingness to do fixes/extensions on smaller plain PHP sites
(whatever requests my clients get from their clients if they cannot sell
them Drupal immediately), is appreciated.

So: skilled, with a dynamic mindset, and able to manage imperfect
clients, and be accomodating to them. That's what I am too.

Of course I will help with the above, where I can. I certainly will be
involved in these projects at first. But I don't have to be in-between
forever (unless I have added value). I do not want you to work FOR me...
but WITH me, to handle the workload I get, and keep our clients happy so
they keep giving more work.

* Living in Budapest, preferably. I will be there for a few weeks (which
can be extended according if really needed). And I believe we can only
exchange this kind of work if we get to know each other well, at first.
So we need to be able to meet and talk about work.

* Able to send their own invoices to clients in the Netherlands,
preferably. (I do not know company structures for freelance/small
companies in Hungary, but I'm sure we can work out those logistics).

2) about me:

I'm a freelancer. I was in Budapest 3 years ago to start my Drupal
career, and met Márk there, but the planned company didn't work out.
So I moved back to my hometown Amsterdam and have been trying to get
full-time Drupal work in the Netherlands since 3 years now. building up
my contacts slowly from zero.

I don't want to grow my own company, get personnel, deal with
acquisition/commercial stuff/many end customers. I always believed that
there should be enough work for me, without that. I also believe in
building a 'friends network' of developers, who can divide work between
them. (We will never get the biggest projects, they'll go to established
companies. But our work will be enough to get a steady income -because
clients see how good we are- and still keep our freedom.)

Well, after a period of being very accommodating to new clients (and way
too cheap), that has worked. I work for several smaller webshops, have
built a trust relationship... and last may, my workload exploded. I
asked some Dutch freelancers to work with me
(, Dutch) and got 2-3 people who I
share work with, now. But they're themers/builders/administrators; none
of them have in-depth PHP/developer knowledge. All the good developers
seem to be drowning in work and busy starting their own company. (Hint
for enterprising people: you can work for most Amsterdam companies
without knowing Dutch, only English. And the Drupal market is booming,
like it is everywhere.)

I'm heading back to Budapest for a few weeks to try and 'train' a friend
I know from 2008 and hope that works out. (Ex IT student, knows PHP but
no Drupal yet.)
But I'm sure I get enough work from one client to keep one more
developer occupied full time. And if that goes well, who knows...

My data:

My own web site ( is horribly outdated -- I'm only sure
that I'll do 100% Drupal since one year. And I can get away with an
outdated site because I do 'second line' work for webshops, and I'm not
looking for more work.

This is also why I don't have a portfolio of my own. My 'drupal CV' is
more visible in the patches I upload at (and
;) )

-- Roderik Muit


Tolmács Márk
Drupal bandita