Exposed Filters táblázatban

eati képe


Útmutatásotokat szeretném kérni, hogy egy nézethez tartozó felfedett szűrőket hogyan tudnám táblázatba rendezni?

Találtam egy kódot valahol erre vonatkozóan, de nem akar működni: (profilesearch a nézetem azonosítója)

function phptemplate_views_filters($form) { //this call overrides all views filters so I need a condition
  $view = $form['view']['#value'];
  if ($view->name == 'profilesearch'){ //so I used the view's name, in this case the view I want to do refactoring is 'vista'
    foreach ($view->exposed_filter as $count => $expose) {
      $row[] = drupal_render($form["op$count"]) ;
      $box[] = drupal_render($form["filter$count"]);
      $label[] = $expose['label'];
    $row[] = drupal_render($form['submit']);
    $label[] = ''; // so the column count is the same.
    $title = $view->page_title;
    return _phptemplate_callback('views-filters-profilesearch', array('title' => $title, 'row' => $row, 'box' => $box, 'label'=>$label));
    // I use a callback to a tpl called views-filters-vista.tpl.php
  else{ // in the case it isn't 'vista' it goes through the normal flow as defined in views.module
    foreach ($view->exposed_filter as $count => $expose) {
      $row[] = drupal_render($form["op$count"]) . drupal_render($form["filter$count"]);
      $label[] = $expose['label'];
    $row[] = drupal_render($form['submit']);
    $label[] = ''; // so the column count is the same.
    // make the 'q' come first
    return drupal_render($form['q']) . theme('table', $label, array($row)) . drupal_render($form);

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