plus1 widget a comment.tpl.php-ban

joenavran képe

a plus1 modult használom kommentekre való szavazásra. minden tökéletes, de csak a default helyre (a komment törzs alá) tudom kitenni a szavazódobozt a modul gyári beállításaival. a kommenten belül szeretném máshova helyezni, de sajna a dokumentációja nem sokat segít.

tudnátok segíteni, hogy milyen php kóddal tudom meghívni a komment szavazás widgetet?

  2. ========================
  4. First off, you can change the 'You voted' text on the module admin page ?q=admin/settings/plus1.
  6. Additionally, you can override the theming function theme_plus1_widget in your theme.
  8. From plus1.module theme_plus1_widget function header:
  10. /**
  11. * Theme for the voting widget.
  12. *
  13. * You are free to load your own CSS and JavaScript files in your
  14. * theming function override, instead of the ones provided by default.
  15. *
  16. * This function adds information to the Drupal.settings.plus1 JS object,
  17. * concerning class names used for the voting widget.
  18. * If you override this theming function but choose to use the
  19. * default JavaScript file, simply assign different values to
  20. * the following variables:
  21. * $widget_class (The wrapper element for the voting widget.)
  22. * $link_class (The anchor element to cast a vote.)
  23. * $message_class (The wrapper element for the anchor element. May contain feedback when the vote has been cast.)
  24. * $score_class (The placeholder element for the score.)
  25. * The JavaScript looks for these CSS hooks to
  26. * update the voting widget after a vote is cast.
  27. * Of course you may choose to write your own JavaScript.
  28. * The JavaScript adds presentation, ie: fade in.
  29. *
  30. */
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