I would like to ask whether has anybody already implemented this features?
Because than I won't put effort making them :)
To be clear and clarify what I'm missing:
- AggBug is the possibility to put 1x1 invisible gifs into the RSS feed, which later added to the actual post as it was read (or as a separate counter in the DB, but shown together on the UI except for admins)
- ClickThrough is a filter that translates each url into one that goes throught a clickthrough handler which stores the information which user or IP, when and clicked which link
- HTML Notificaton mail - it speaks for itself, I would like to be able to send HTML formatted notification mails...
None of them are extremely hard tasks, but if it's not necessary I don't want to waste time with them :)
extremely hard? :)
Szerintem egyik sem nehéz, csak idő kérdése :) A clickthrough funkcionalitás logikus módon a weblink modulban keresendő (az persze sokkal többet is tud). A notify és más modulok emailjei testreszabhatóak, egy HTML Mime Mail class-szal összeházasítva egyszerű lehet HTML levelet küldeni. Az elsőt nem értem teljesen, de szinte biztos vagyok benne, hogy nincs még rá kész megoldás.