ENSz-es szervezet Bécsben Drupal fejlesztőt keres

GasparMiklos képe


The consultant will deliver functionality for the new web site and:

  • Create specifications;
  • Develop and test the new functionality for the IAEA.org web site;
  • Fix bugs to ensure the IAEA's web site is in good working order;
  • Patch modules, receive and act on Drupal vulnerabilities advisories;
  • Deliver and commit clean Drupal code, with extensive in-line documentation;
  • Provide comprehensive documentation of the IAEA.org web site codebase.
Munka jellege: 
Nem távmunka
Munkavégzés helye: 
Bécs, Ausztria
Idő igénybevétel: 
Teljes munkaidős

Qualifications and Experience

  • Extensive knowledge of web development (PHP, mySQL, HTML/CSS, Javascript), of best programming practices and common debugging tools;
  • Minimum of two years of experience with Drupal module development, Drupal best programming practices and working knowledge of main hooks;
  • Extensive experience in developing custom Drupal themes (theme, preprocess, php template hooks, etc.);
  • Excellent knowledge (programmers prospective) of commonly used Drupal modules, such as Views, CCK, Taxonomy, Features, etc.;
  • Experience with version control (GIT), such as creating branches, tags, etc. and working in a multi-developer environment;
  • Extensive knowledge of and experience with cross browser web development for IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome;
  • Familiarity with principles of responsive web design and HTML/CSS/JS frameworks (Bootstrap);
  • Strong work ethic, ability to be self-directed and self-motivate;
  • Good command of written and spoken English.
Amit a kiíró nyújt: 

The remuneration for this consultancy is a daily fee of up to a maximum of € 400

Jelentkezés határideje: 
2016. 08. 04
Szükséges tapasztalat szintje: 
Szervezet megnevezése: 
Nemzetközi Atomenergia Ügynökség (ENSz)
Kapcsolattartó neve: 
Gáspár Miklós